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Thursday, 6 January 2011

The Unveiling of Rosemary's Portrait

I have never felt comfortable going to events where I don't really know the other people.  I think the idea of standing around like a lemon and looking conspicuous makes me feel awkward.  However this was not only an evening I won't forget in a hurry, I was also made to feel very welcome and lots of people talked to me.  Finding myself in a building with the countries leading figures in Archaeology is really quite something! There were lots of faces worthy of a portrait there.  I was definitely one of the youngest people in the rooms.  The unveiling itself did not go without a small mis-hap... they couldnt get the curtain down which seemed to be the cause of some sniggering throughout the room.  It certainly took the edge off my nerves.  This is not the most flattering picture but it is quite amusing... on all counts.

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